Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Another New Year

Happens every year! Same time! I see lots of conflicting posts around the internet...some are happy to see 2013 go and are ready for a fresh start with 2014. And some are reflecting back and thinking 2013 was pretty darn good. Fact is, our good times and bad times don't magically end on Dec 31st. Unfortunately, Jan 1 doesn't begin with a clean slate. More often than not, we all end up feeling pretty bad the morning of the first...hmmmm...
Anyway, you can tell I don't put a ton of stock in the magic of a new year. In the past I just went to work with a hangover, and now I raise kids....usually with a hangover. Except this time. Last night I went to bed at 9. It was magical. But talk to me again Sunday morning after our Saturday makeup New Years celebration...
In the past several years, my problems on Dec 31st (namely James' health) were still my problems on Jan 1st. And they seemed to get progressively worse!
But this year, someone asked (as they always do) how our year was. Tom paused for a minute (I honestly don't think either of us had thought much about New Years besides buying booze) and said, "You know it was good. James stayed out of the hospital all year."
I hadn't even realized....
It wasn't a totally smooth sailing year....
He's not all better....
And last Christmas and New Years, we stayed home last minute because we knew if we rocked the boat, he WOULD end up back in the hospital....
BUT, he didn't. And he's thriving(ish)!
I still have knots in my stomach every day. I still have frequent panic attacks in the middle of the night. But at least I know that they're currently unfounded! I still worry about what and how much he eats. But those feelings are starting to ease up. When I run now, I run purely for exercise and to keep my ass in check. Not to escape that itchy, heart pounding, panicky feeling from all the stress. Now...this means I don't run as much as I used I should probably work on that. Lol!
So anyway, reflecting back, 2013 was pretty darn good. We are rejoining the world a bit, I've been able to do weird stuff, like trapezing (it's a word) and meeting my book girls who have become extremely close friends. I'm riding again and riding well! I have a truly amazing husband whom I not only LOVE, but I like him too. He's my other half and every minute with him I fall more in love. I have 2 hilarious and awesome kids that crack me up and make me wanna poke my eyeballs out alternately. I still have Charlotte AND Jake! That's pretty amazing!!
Yep! 2013 was great! 2014 will have it's ups and downs, but as long as the ups outweigh the downs, I'm good!!!

I also got my drinking buddy back when...

She brought this little gem into the world! Good year!!

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